Saturday, October 9, 2010

" The People never give up their Freedom unless under a Delusion"

“The People never give up their Freedom unless under some delusion”
                                                                                             (Edmund Burke)
               My name is Larry McCann I am a resident of Hanson and I came to America 34 years ago from Belfast, Northern Ireland, I came to America in hope of changing my lot in life, which was stagnating under the Socialist Policies of the British Government, and to avail of the opportunities that “The American Promise” has bestowed on millions of immigrants ever since the inception of this “Great American Pageant”. I wanted the opportunity to work and raise a family unfettered by the intrusion of an overbearing government that deluded people into believing that for their vote at election time they( The government) would provide them a union job in the trades, in local government, in heath care, in teaching and all the other private and public unions that make up the legions of socialist’s foot soldiers and cannon fodder, when things go bad under their failed policies, and for that they (the government) would protect them from “Corporations” and the “Evil Opposition”. But what our friendly socialists failed to highlight in their contract with their People, for it is always in the small print, was that they had to give up something to the government for all this security in work, in family, in education, and any future promises or catastrophes’ that they might create. The small print in the contract required that the people submit to the war between men and women, the war against boys, the use of their children for social engineering, the destruction of the family, the imposition of abortion and partial birth abortion, the destruction of  their religious belief systems, the glorification of abhorrent life styles, the takeover of their schools and universities for their use as socialist propaganda machines, a cradle to grave nanny state dependency brought about by hordes of government created needs based programs, a dumbed down educational system, the elevation and protection of all minority groups to the detriment of the majority, political correctness,  the destruction of all morality based social mores and the eventual destruction of the American Middle Class. Not much to ask for it would appear for it is happening before our eyes every day.
On my path to legality I was not aware enough to see what was happening to the image of America that I had in my mind and I believe there are millions of Americans who are suddenly realizing that their image and the reality is also being destroyed.  I worked hard to become a productive and valuable member of this great country. I married and my wife and I have raised two wonderful children, Caitlin and Brendan. Both are attending University and are laying down a foundation for a productive life imbued with the principles and values that we as their parents have instilled in them. As an immigrant to this country I came with a yearning to partake of the Freedoms that America offers to its citizens but I also brought with me the same principles and values that I believe America’s forefathers had when they created the “Constitution and Bill of Rights”. The Freedoms guaranteed by those miraculous documents are not enjoyed by many peoples in the rest of the world for they do not know of or understand Freedom for it is a rare commodity outside of this land of Lincoln. They may not understand but they all know that they want to come here, as I did, for this country is a “Beacon of Hope” or as Ronald Reagan coined it “A Shining City on a Hill”. It is indeed a shining city when you look around the world and see the darkness of oppressive and totalitarian nations that crush the spirit and liberty of their populations.
             Strange, is it not, that the country that millions of people risk their lives to reach is portrayed by our Liberal opposition as a despotic hell hole poisoned by racism, bigotry, racial, religious and sexual profiling, tyrannical corporations, banks, trading houses, health care companies, profiteering doctors, surgeons, plumbers, conservative car salesmen, greedy small businessmen and generally the stupid  American People ( Quote Joe Biden) who need to cut back on their life styles and be proud to pay more taxes for that is “The American Way” thanks Joe!  
             When I came here I did not understand what was meant by my “Unalienable Rights” nor what “The Constitution and Bill of Rights” guaranteed to me and all Americans but through observation and reading about my new home I began to understand what “The Founders” had created and so my wife and I pledged to each other to provide our children with an education based on, protected and supported by “The Four Pillars “of American Exceptionalism; Family, Church, School and Community. We believe that we have laid a great foundation for our children and we would like to see, again in this great country as it used to be, the same opportunity bestowed on every child that is born here legally.                                       
               It is for this reason that I advocate for all other people who have gone through the same process as I have and for the same reasons, I wholeheartedly support a path to citizenship. I firmly believe in the right of all people in this country to become citizens, but I believe they must do so in a legal and proper way for to do otherwise would only cheapen the experiences of millions of other legal immigrants and the hard work that they have done to get where they are today. This great land is only great because it is a land of laws and it only makes sense that if any one wishes to come to America then one should obey the first law that one encounters and that is to enter legally To earn the right to become a legal part of the greatest nation in history immigrants, up until recent years, have always understood that they needed to adhere to that law of the land and seek legality through proper channels in order to partake of the country’s bounties.
               However, when our Congress.our local politicians and our elected law enforcement officials allow illegal immigrants to usurp our laws and live off of our tax dollars without contributing to the system that further cheapens the efforts of legal immigrants but above all it is a slap in the face to all natural born American Citizens who have worked hard to build this great country. Every time an illegal alien takes a benefit from our social services that means that some American who has paid into the system does not get what they are entitled to and when an illegal alien votes in an election that means that a legal American’s vote is nullified. But the greatest blow to the spirit of Patriotic and Freedom loving Americans is when their elected representatives in state and at the national level ignore their rights and wishes and side with millions of illegal immigrants all in the name of securing future voters to prop up their liberal agenda. For the regular citizen it becomes so frustrating to see employers, that are given a free hand by our elected law enforcement officials, subsidize illegal workers by hiring them at cut-rate prices and thereby undermining our frail job market and causing taxpaying Americans to become unemployed at the hands of people who should not even be in the country. One could lose faith in our system of government when we see time and again our local politicians up on Beacon Hill and in Congress voting to give our tax dollars to illegal’s for housing, food stamps, phones, cars, liquor, lottery tickets, primary, secondary and college education and basically anything their hearts desire while we have to work for everything we need and desire and then have to shell out our tax dollars to fill the politicians coffers!
              How many times do we see Democrat/ Liberal politicians across the country ignore “The People” and impose legislation which acts against the will of ‘The People”? For the past sixty years I believe we have been fighting a rearguard action against “Creeping Socialism” which has been spoon fed to us by the Democrat/Liberals and they believe that under Obama and his Secular Socialists that they are but steps away from achieving their ultimate Utopia of Total Government Control.                           
               But the “American People” do not take kindly to being told what to do and so we have a fight on our hands and the gauntlet has been taken up by millions of Americans all across the country. Scott Brown led the charge here in Massachusetts and scores of other Republicans, Conservatives and Tea Party Candidates have rallied to the cause. In our own backyard here on the south shore Jeff Perry and our own Daniel Webster have drawn a line in the sand and have called for common sense, clear thinking and a return to American Principles by our House of Representatives and Senate on the need to stop spending Citizens tax dollars on people who should not even be in the country never mind be entitled to free money and benefits!
                Representative Daniel Webster filed a bill that increases penalties for employers who do hire illegal immigrants in their businesses. Our jobs should go to Americans, not to foreign nationals who are living here without authorization. Subsidizing illegal immigration by providing jobs to aliens creates a world in which our social services are overburdened by having to support people who are taking but not paying into the system and it creates a dangerous environment for those same people, as they feel unwelcome and isolated. Not only do they face these challenges, they also face the danger of unscrupulous employers who, for their own gain, take advantage of illegal workers. I support this legislation and I am supporting Representative Daniel Webster and Jeff Perry in November. Making illegal immigration unattractive is the only way to address the issue and between this legislation and his supporting the Perry Amendment, Representative Daniel Webster has been at the forefront of this debate. I am a legal immigrant to the United States of America and I am proudly advocating for and supporting Representative Daniel Webster in his campaign for re-election to Our House of Representatives and Jeff Perry in his campaign for election to Congress.
              I believe the division that separates America today is one that has people who believe the government should control the people being opposed by people who believe that the people should control the government. The latter here is as we know the essence of our Constitution.
            All power in government comes from the people Jeff Perry and Daniel Webster (Hanson) understand that and so will continue to act as our veteran legislator watchdogs on Beacon Hill and in Washington.
                                      Vote for America’s Families, Freedom and Future.
                                    Vote for Jeff Perry and Daniel Webster this November.


Words for Obama

“May you have the hindsight to know where you've been

the foresight to know where you're going

and the insight to know when you're going too far?”