Freedom is an impulse that beats in the breasts of all humans.It is an integral part of man's being and when man identifies it within himself it is like a flame that cannot be owned,if it is to survive, it can only and must be shared.
Deep in the minds of man are genetic and learned behaviors which dictate how he will use the world around him and how he will treat his fellow humans, animals and the earth upon which he lives.I believe that there are two extremes on the human continuum;those who wish to live their lives with the belief that all their actions in their lives are a basis for their eternal salvation in an after life and then there are those that wish to live their lives in the now and with no thought to an after life.
The bulk of humanity lives along this continuum between these two extremes and each individual human either leans to the right or left or a combination thereof depending upon their cultural upbringing.The common denominator amongst all humans is " Human Nature".This default central program is genetic and is only altered in essence over millenniums. The basic nature of all humans is to survive and propagate the species.All other human activity is a variable and can be positively open to influence and enhancement or negatively closed by manipulation and oppression.
Man left alone becomes strong physically,psychologically,emotionally and intellectually out of necessity to survive but he is consummately free.
Man with a partner or in a group becomes weaker as an individual and loses a lot of his stealth and personal freedom in exchange for safety/security provided by the group.
Man in ever increasing sized groups loses more and more of his personal freedom in order to exist peacefully and productively for his own good and that of the group.
Liken society to a 4x4x4 box where four rats are placed.After a time each rat finds and defends a corner and peace prevails.Place forty rats in the box and after much malaise tails, ears and fur will be the product of the conflict that ensues in the rats attempt to find their space and peace.Place four hundred rats in the box and bodies will be the product of conflict that takes place in order to achieve personal space and freedom and the conflict will continue until a balance in numbers is reached and accepted by the survivors.Order/peace/freedom is achieved through conflict and acceptable outcomes.It is not achieved through conflict and imposed outcomes.
Human relations usually find their own level of order and freedom even though the path to that end can be stormy and calamitous.The end product,Freedom,has always justified the means but there have been a number of conflicts in history where there was no end product only the means.The means,the conflict,chaos,disruption and anarchy became the means and the end for there was no goal or plan.during these periods in history far more humans died in the name of the means than ever died in conflicts which had an end goal.The main reason for this lies in the fact that those conflicts that had no goal or had an irrational goal were usually driven by the ideas and ideologies of an individual or small group and they coerced the masses into conflict and eventual defeat.On the other hand conflicts that had as their reason an end game or goal where and are driven by ideas and passions which are held by the majority of combatants and they all are seeking the same goal "Freedom".
So through history we have a pattern of " Freedom Seekers" and " Freedom Deniers" always in conflict trying to out do one another.
Who should prevail? That is the question that has been in debate throughout recorded history.Instinctively humans seek to survive and propagate just as a Border Collie pup ,that has never seen sheep, will instinctively begin to herd them.He does not know why but it is part of the genetic legacy of his breed.
The Genetic legacy of humans is to survive at any cost and to produce,protect and provide sustenance and care for their young.As an individual in the wilds of pre civilization man satisfied these impulses from within in ways that would shock today's "Civil Man" But he, his mate and children were free to eck out their livelihood according to to their innate instincts.
As man developed, multiplied,formed small and then larger groups conflicts began and the battle for personal space and individual freedom escalated.How these groups would live would be determined initially by conflict and after by acceptable outcomes for all and peace or imposed outcomes and misery and death.
Man's march to this point in history has been along a path of misery and death but also with an ever evolving understanding of and an ordering of human relations.Man has moved from caveman to astronaut from disorder to order by learning to appreciate and respect the freedom and rights of his fellow humans.
Our daily conflicts in life usually arise when we think our freedoms and rights are being infringed upon by someone or some group.On a larger scale tribes, groups,towns,cities,states,and countries all made up of humans come into conflict for the same reasons.The ordering of our relationships comes about through agreements accepted by the majority as the manner in which all will behave and adhere to accepted laws for the common good.How man arrives at this point is the bread and butter of politics and the law.
From the fight between the two biggest and strongest rivals in the tribe for the right to lead the tribe,to the fight between the biggest and strongest political parties for the right to lead the country basically nothing has changed
"Human order is achieved through conflict and acceptable outcomes"
History has shown us that if the outcomes are not acceptable to the majority then a new conflict begins because those who have assumed power then become the deniers of the freedoms and rights that belong to the majority.There have been many ways in which man has attempted to order his relationships but only those that acknowledge individual freedom and rights will, in my opinion, survive.The reason for this lies in the fact that without acknowledgment of the primacy of the freedom and rights of the individual then conflict will be perpetual for man will always follow his instinctive nature and his will to be free.
"You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you will never fool all of the people all of the time"
Obama ignores the lessons of history and the wisdom of the people at his peril for he is "A Freedom Denier" and he will go the way of those like him that have gone before him into infamy!
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