As a boy growing up in Belfast N.Ireland, under British Rule, I and my fellow Catholic neighbors suffered at the hands of bigots and crooked politicians who wished to maintain an imposed triumphalist hierarchy and see to its survival. My parents could not vote for as all blacks and women in this country know that is one way overlords silence your voice and maintain control. Well, women first then the American Blacks and finally Northern Irish Catholics fought for their right to be heard. All around the world people have fought since the beginning of time for one thing, "Freedom" to live unfettered and unshackled.
As a teacher back in Belfast I saw first hand the effects of liberalism and then in it's wake creeping Socialism. The lowering of academic standards, behavioral standards, the erosion of respect for parents, teachers, other authority figures, the glorification of non standards as the right of those who were being oppressed, according to those that were stirring the pot and doing the oppressing. There have always been pot stirrers and for us in America the pot has been stirred by Democrats turned Liberals and now turned Socialists
Where did it begin? It began as it has always begun in the eternal battle between the Left and the Right in a culture. The Left slowly unravels the bonds that hold together their targeted society and then slowly and insidiously they impose their beliefs. Europe, Britain, Ireland and America were all societies bound together by belief in and reinforcement of the principles and values inherent in Judeao Christian Theology. These beliefs were taught and reinforced through the four pillars that supported western culture for generations i.e. Family, Church, School and Community.Lead by these pillars of society we created bonds that held our cultures together and up until the sixties we could all believe in and understand "Common Sense”. For common sense was born of common knowledge and common understanding of the world we had created around us. The world was not nor will it ever be perfect but at least things were evolving, albeit slowly. American Society as any evolving society had its inherent problems but as time was passing resolutions were being agreed to by aggrieved parties. America is still a baby amongst adult nations. It is finding its feet but stands tall and resolute with lots to learn. . We had come through two World Wars to fight Communism, Socialism, and Fascism and from the Sixties until today we have come through one of the quietest times in World History for conflict. The main reason for that has been because more people in the World have been able to enjoy "freedom" and more and more democratic states have been emerging, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Empire.
People all across the world have been enjoying more and more prosperity and unfortunately becoming big, fat and hapless. Government coffers have been overflowing for over sixty years and so have the minds of those who seek to prosper not only financially but "Ideologically".
The unraveling of the bonds of western Christian Society began back in the early twentieth century with the formation of such communist organizations as the ACLU and others who sought to undermine the American Capitalist Society .After the Second World War, The Korean War and eventually our involvement in Vietnam these trials and burdens on our society laid to ruptures in the fabric that has been woven into the tapestry that is the greatest nation in history.
A war weary public and a work force lead by women out of the homestead were to lead to a changed mindset. A mindset that formerly believed in Family, Church, School and Community as the foundation of our society was to suffer a number of blows when the left launched their most devastating and longest lasting attack on our culture. (Church/School)They forced God out of our schools so that our beliefs and common bonds would now be disconnected. What Mom and Dad taught their kids about religion, principles, their American values and history at home would never to this day be reinforced by our public schools? They went after the public school system for as all socialists and would be dictators know “if you own the minds of the young you own the future. (Family)They created No Fault Divorce, Abortion, Partial Birth and a volume of other legislation which had as its goal the supposed liberation of women. What they have done is to remove responsibility from those formerly bound under civil and moral contract to create families in order to perpetuate society and have thrown it on the trash heap were they have been piling all our Christian Beliefs for ninety years, largely thanks to the ACLU.
Liberals have created pigeon holes for their multiple victim minority groups over the years and then have created laws to protect them from the majority. They pander to humanities base instincts and give their pigeons what they desire in order to create dependent sub-cultures that vote for them. When you give or subsidize without asking for a return you enslave people who then have no motivation to succeed nor have they the drive to prosper to better their lives or those of their families. Why should they aspire to earn more if they are punished for earning more money by the government that gives them money for nothing?
All we have to do is look at the inner cities around America to see how the Democrats and their programs like,The Great Society, The War on Poverty, Welfare, Food Stamps, W.I.C., SSI, Section 8 housing and lately the straw that broke America's back, "Affordable Housing (Welfare) and Sub-prime Mortgages" have improved the lot of Americans and our Society.
The Liberals took over Congress in 2006 and deliberately ran America into the ground and then aided by their propaganda ministry “The Free Press?” succeeded in blaming the rest of America for what they perpetrated in order to win the Presidency. But I am afraid that they will live to regret nominating this man who refuses to tell us who he is and what he is planning for this country and I believe America will regret putting him in power.
The liberals have unraveled the belief in Family, Church, School and Community for a good 45% or maybe more of Americans and most of them are the product of the imposed indoctrination system, “Our Education System”. They have weaken America and shown the World a face that is not the essence of our culture but is the face that they want the world to believe we are for they have more kindred spirits outside America than inside.
They have reduced dialogue, courtesy, manners, civility, respect and decorum in debate into a quagmire of lies, deceit, misinformation and rants. They demonize and destroy any person, organization or idea that does not follow their quest to establish their Socialist Dogma on this Country. Their pandering to despots in Venezuela, Cuba, Iran etc. and their disdain for anything good and wholesome that is and was American is only further evidence that they want to finally destroy Capitalism and impose their ideology upon us all whether we want it or not.
Liberalism softened up America and put us on the ropes .Is Socialism going to deliver the knock out punch in the form of Barrack Hussein Obama and his Socialist Revolutionaries.
Forget about what he promised you in order to get elected for that is all gone from his website already told us all during the campaign that what he says “they are only words”. What he promised and what he is going to try to deliver are poles apart. Over 58 Million Americans voted for Country over Change so the war is not lost, we have been dealt a severe bold but we are not down so we must do as the liberals and socialists do and that is to unite. Since I have been in America I have to say that I have seen the Liberals/Socialists organize better than we do at the grassroots level and they seem to get their message over better than we do.
If we are to restore America to it's greatness we need to take back the family schools,universities,libraries,our churches, the sanctity of marriage, the unborn, children’s innocence, the public airways and the weaning print media for all these have been taken away and been used to undermine our great society.
For the sake of your Children, Grandchildren and the countless numbers of new Americans to come into this life do something positive; run for dogcatcher, library assistant, classroom assistant,school bus driver, poll worker,Town hall clerk,
Or any of the local and state jobs that are the life blood of the liberals political machine i.e. Nepotism.
People often ask why voters in Massachusetts always voted the likes of Ted Kennedy and John Kerry back into power. The answer is simple and that is because those voters were hired through a political source to work in jobs that have unions that are supported by these same politicians and vice-versa. Ergo we can’t vote against the politician otherwise we are voting against our own self-interest. These politicians create jobs through Authorities (Mass port, MWRA, MBTA) etc which are not under the direct control of the legislature or Governor and through these and other job bins like town, city and state municipal workers unions that they have created over the years they can control how the masses vote. The entrenched politicians control who gets into government controlled housing, at local and federal level ,and so they have an indentured voting block in the poor, infirmed and old people of this country.
We have seen it all before, it is called Tammy Hall Politics with its ward bosses and jobs for the boys and the gerrymandering of electoral borders to make sure the right ward boss always gets in. Someday take a look at your electoral area on the website and ask yourself why it is shaped the way it is and then research it for no one is going to volunteer the information to you.
In the future we won’t be calling the ward boss we will be calling,” The Community Organizer” when under the new regime you want a job for you or your children. The same format of controlling jobs and thus votes worked well in Russia, Germany ,Indo-China, The Baltic States and more recently Europe for we can see how these great nations are flourishing economically and socially compared to this despot nation of ours!The Liberals and their Propaganda Machine (The Free Press) demonize everything about America and Americans and have convinced many of our children and adults that America is bad and needs to be changed.My "tongue in cheek" reaction;
"I have noticed, with dismay in the thirty odd years of my life in this hell hole called America, that the number of people risking their lives to escape this country has increased at the same rate that peoples here from all over the world have been fleeing back to their havens of politically and socially free homelands in order to raise their children in their own homes, educate them in their local schools ,instill in them the principles and values of their chosen faith, to be able to worship or not the faith of their Fathers and Mothers in crime free communities, where jobs in home grown industry and commerce allow these parents to save for their kids education and their own retirement unfettered by burdensome taxes and government intrusion into their lives."(Not)
I like so many people am perpetually striving to find that Utopia and the journey to that ultimate repost follows paths laid down in our minds by the combined experiences of our forefathers, recorded history (for those that choose or are exposed to it), Folk Lore/Traditions and /or the vision of some who would make you believe that their path is the only way.In history the most successful visionaries have been people who could connect their vision for the future to the reality of the past and make their picture of the future seem plausible in the minds of the majority. There have been many visionaries who have taken masses of peoples down the wrong path and to suffer ultimate ruin e.g. Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, Emperor of Japan, cold war Russia, Mao,Milosevic,Saddam Hussein just to name a few. The reason for the demise of these visionaries lies in the fact that they were party to the demise in the culture that they were proposing to save and the lies that they perpetuated eventually came back to destroy them with the words that they used to carry the message. There is a Utopia out there but it does not come from the lips of one earthly man but nay it comes from the collective minds of people who will be mindful of what has been and will strive to attain what can be for the good of all and not just a few.
” We the People” have the God given right to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness and have the overwhelming power to dictate our own future but we do not always have the interest and/or resolve to ensure that our interests are being protected for us by the government we elect. We unfortunately have become big, fat and lazy in our civic duties by buying into the bile that the former Democrat now Socialist Party and “The Free Press” have been brainwashing us into believing for the last sixty five years. The Mantra of the Communist, Fascist and Socialist Governments of the world has always been “If you tell them a lie often enough eventually they will believe it is true”. If there is no opposition to their lies the people will have no alternative but to believe what they are told!
One has only to visit Canada to our North or our European Cousins to understand what can happen to formerly Christian based Democracies when free speech is removed and thought Police troll the airwaves searching for non conformers. This is reality and you all have the opportunity to research, if you desire,to see what is happening to your world .That responsibility is yours.A responsibility which will be taken away from us, just like the proposed secret union vote, unless we fight for what has already been tried, true and tested and that is The American Constitution and Bill Of Rights. These two documents have been the only two pieces of legislation that the left has not been able to get around in their quest to undermine American Exceptionalism/Capitalism.However their constant onslaught will reap rewards if “The Right” lies down in defeat. It is a war of ideologies and America is the Last Best Hope for those who believe in the essence of our founding Fathers Message.
We all must spread the meaning of the concept of "Freedom" and teach it to our Children and Grandchildren for if it is not explained to them they will never be able to perpetuate it and America will slide into the pages of history as another victim to the onward march of demented thought!
“In God We Trust”
“God Bless America” "Stand and be Heard"
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