“The Man who can make you believe in absurdities can make you perpetrate Atrocities.”
The World has suffered at the hands of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Milosevic and Hussein.
Obama is the next in line attempting to apply the lunacy of Marxist Communism.
Those listed above started out peacefully but when the people refused
to swallow the poisoned pill the job was finished at the point of a gun!
Obama is the next in line attempting to apply the lunacy of Marxist Communism.
Those listed above started out peacefully but when the people refused
to swallow the poisoned pill the job was finished at the point of a gun!
Can Obama make enough of us swallow the poisoned pill
or will we suffer the same fate of millions of others under other failed
Marxist Regimes!
or will we suffer the same fate of millions of others under other failed
Marxist Regimes!
Obama is sweetening the pill for many in our Nation with money, promises, deals and Government jobs. He seeks to create a new class of indentured serfs who will either be working for the Government or indebted to it through welfare, unemployment, public unions, government grants/bailouts, promises of relief of student loans for kids that go to work for the government and a myriad of many more coercions all aimed at dragging Private Sector workers into the Public Sector.
During his campaign he laid out his plans but not too many people listened, they heard what they wanted to hear but he was clear in what he wanted to do. He wants a Marxist style regime with him in charge and modeled on the regime in Sweden where 60% of more of the population is enslaved to the government and the Socialists are returned to power every election because they have a majority of the electorate that depends upon the government for their existence and so they will never vote against their own self interest.
After one year none of Obama’s overt plans have been achieved but behind closed doors and by Executive Order he has been reordering the Federal Government according to his plan. All his demonizing and prevarications about the Banks, Wall St., the Healthcare System, the Insurance System, Doctors, Surgeons, Dentists, we the people, Congress and the Supreme Court are all part of his plan to divide and conquer the minds of as many people as possible in order to confuse them and sway their belief in what they believe about their own understanding of what America is to them. Obama and the Democrats have, over the years, through their promotion of Welfare, Massive Government Programs, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Victimhood and a reordering of the content of the curriculum taught in public and private schools and universities succeeded in eradicating any knowledge of American History, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, the rights of the citizenry and the responsibilities of the individual to each other and their country.
For 45% or more of Americans they believe America is the problem and not the solution and they have no love for the country that enables all people to succeed through the “Freedoms” that are expressed in The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. If America is to be restored to its greatness then the content of the character of our youth and those that will follow needs to be restored through a revitalized educational system that stresses grounding in Civics, History, Formal Educational Subjects and a reconnection with the American Family. We have to continue to wage the war against Liberalism/Socialism and Marxism at the Ballot Box but if we want to save The Republic we need to reverse the trends in our educational system and establish a system that will teach them about the History of the Evolution of America and the Exceptionalism of the people who have and continue to build what is the greatest society that the world has ever known.
Our young men, women, children and children not yet born deserve the right to experience what “Freedom” means for one will never miss it until it is gone. There is a large swath of Americans that don’t understand what it is that is meant by “Freedom” because they have never been taught about it even though they are living with it because of the sacrifices of those who laid down the foundations of this free nation all throughout America’s History.
It behooves every Adult, Parent, Teacher, Church Leader, Community Organization and Politician to teach and then reinforce through the Family, School, Church and Community the Principles and Values which are embedded in The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the Historical stories of America’s rise. This is the freest country in the world and that “Freedom” is guaranteed by The Constitution. Will we allow Obama to destroy our “Freedom”?
“America is the World’s Last Best Hope for Liberty”
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